How to Kick, Ban, and Unban Players on Your Insurgency Server Print

  • Insurgency, Insurgency Standalone, Admin Commands, Kick, Unban
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This guide will show you how to Kick, Ban, and Unban players on your Insurgency server.

1. First and foremost, login and access your game panel and navigate to your Insurgency server. Make sure it's not running. If it is, press the "Stop" button.

Insurgency - Stop Server


2. Go to the 'File Manager' section from your control panel.

Insurgency - File Manager

3. Once there, navigate to “..\insurgency\cfg” and create the following files by following the gif below:
Insurgency - Create cfgs
4. Next, go to the 'Configuration Files' section of your game panel.
Insurgency - Configuration Files
5. Click on the 'Text Editor' of the server.cfg:
Insurgency - Text Editor for server.cfg
6. Now add these commands into the text file the pops out:
exec banned_user.cfg         // personal banlist based on user IDs exec
banned_ip.cfg         // personal banlist based on user IPs writeid writeip

7. Head back to your game panel and press "Start" to start your server.

Insurgency - Start Server

You now have setup your server to accept kick, ban, and unban commands.
Continue reading to learn how to use these commands.
To use the commands on players, you would first need to discover each of the players' SteamID or IP. To do that, you can either use the Server web console or the in-game console.

1. To use the server console, go to the Web Console section of your server:

 Insurgency - Web Console


2. Type in your Rcon password and press Enter. Then type in "status" and it should show up the following lines, showing information of the server and the players connected:

 Insurgency - web console status


3. If you choose the in-game console, once you're connected to the server, press the `(tilde key) on your keyboard. Type in rcon_password <your rcon password> then press Enter. Then type in status once again and it should show up the following lines, showing information of the server and the players connected:

 Insurgency - In-game Console


Take note of the players' IP address or SteamID, following format: STEAM_x:x:xxxxxxxx where “x” stands for numbers.



  • Kicking:
    kick <name>

    kickid <id>

 <name> is user name
 <id> is SteamID and have following format: STEAM_x:x:xxxxxxxx where “x” stands for number
 kick arc
 kickid STEAM_0:0:12345678

  • Adding/removing banned users/ips through console (works also via RCON):
    Adding/removing IP:
  addip <time> <ip>
  removeip <ip>

  <time> how many MINUTES will be IP banned, 0 = permanent ban
 <ip> stands for numeric IPv4 address of user (example:
  removeip does not need <time> parameter

  addip 0
  • Adding/removing steamID:
    banid <time> <id>

    removeid <id>

    <time> how many MINUTES will be IP banned, 0 = permanent ban
    <id> is SteamID and have following format: STEAM_x:x:xxxxxxxx where “x” stands for number

    banid 0 STEAM_0:0:12345678
    removeid STEAM_0:0:87654321

  • To write banned IPs/IDs to a file, type this command into the console depending of what you’ve banned:


  • To view banned IDs or IPs through console, use those resepctive commands:

 listid - will show you how many IDs are banned, exact IDs and for how long
 listip - will show you how many IPs are banned, exact IPs and for how long



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