How to set yourself as an Admin Print

  • Barotrauma, admin, Adding admins
  • 2



1) Go to Configuration Files from your game panel.
2) Select  clientpermissions.xml
3) Click the "Text Editor" from the right side. (don't forget to select Save & Exit)

Follow this format as an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
steamid="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <<<< (You will use your steamID64 here)
permissions="ConsoleCommands, ServerLog, ManageSettings">
name="heal" />
name="spawn" />

This is how it looks like:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
permissions="ConsoleCommands, ServerLog, ManageSettings">
name="heal" />
name="spawn" />


4) Restart the server

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